Maria Mercedes T. Rodrigo

Maria Mercedes T. Rodrigo is a Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science of the Ateneo de Manila University. Her research interests include learning analytics, artificial intelligence in education, and technology in education. She is the head of the Ateneo Laboratory for the Learning Sciences. She is on the Executive Committee of the Artificial Intelligence Education Society. In 2021, Dr. Rodrigo received the Distinguished Researcher Award from the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) and is President of APSCE.

Keynote Speech: AI in Education Research: Findings, Significance, and Challenges

Brief Abstract: This talk provides an overview of research on artificial intelligence in Philippine education. Research questions include the effects of AI-based games on student interest in science and mathematics and cultural differences between US and PH students that affect how they interact with these systems. The talk ends with a discussion of some of the ethical challenges confronting research in this area in the context of a developing country. These include a lack of infrastructure and lax regulatory requirements, among others.

Cleo Sgouropoulou

Cleo Sgouropoulou is a Professor at the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the University of West Attica, Director of the Research Laboratory “Educational Technology and E-Learning Systems” and member of the Board of Directors of the former university. Since 2020, she is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET), an expert on Digital Skills of the Ministry of Digital Governance and Scientific Manager of the AI Innovation Hub of the University of West Attica for Artificial Intelligence and its applications.